
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:22:22
英语翻译it will be arrived in next week 若角a的终边落在直线y=-3x上,求sina和cosa的值 Who __that_____ you have ever seen can do it better 这句话怎么翻译 That was the better match I have ever seen.有什么语病啊 Great changes have taken place in that city.It is no longer___it was 10 years ago.a.when b.which c.what d.that Great changes have taken place in that factory ,It is no longer____it was ten years ago,____it was so poorly equipped1.what when2.that which3.what which 4.which that 英语翻译无 Great changes have taken place in that school.It is no longer ___ it was 20 years ago,___it was poorly equipped; A、 what when  B、 that which  C、 what which  D、 which that  为什么垃圾会引来苍蝇,里面含有什么物质 Great changes have taken place in that school . It is no longer _____ it was 20 years ago, ______poorly equipped.A.what; when B.that; which C.what; which D. which; that 有关定语从句Great changes have taken place in that school ,It is no longer____it was ten years ago____it was so poorly equipped应该填什么引导词呢?2.A story goes ______Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by c 已知角的终边在直线3x+4y=0,求sina,cosa.想问为什么答案可以这样设. 1.已知∠a终边上一点p(3k,-4k).求sina,cosa.tana的值 2.角a的终边在直线y=-3x上.求sina,cosa. 您为什么要学英语麻烦告诉我 谁能告诉我怎样学英语?我是沈阳的... 我们为什么要学英语 怎样能更快学英语的口语? 如果角a的终边在正比例函数y=,√3x的图像上,求sina、cosa、tana的值 已知角a的终边在直线y=3/√3x上,则sina=?tana=? 火影用英语怎么说? 求翻译 “ 你是我全部的信仰 ” 翻译成准确的英文 贝儿公主英语怎么念?怎么读? ‘公主’的英文怎么写,怎么读啊, 英语翻译先说点小要求:要逐句翻译,包括标题(课堂上要用的),要准确(我会判断),语言要连贯通顺,最后,还请用英文说一两句台湾街开业的积极意义(最好是对两岸关系的)Taiwan-themed bus 英语翻译Once dubbed "the ablest nail house in Beijing",a 283-sq-m house was fully cleared Saturday morning,nearly five years after demolition of the area's houses was started,the Beijing Times reported on Sunday.The report said the owner of the h 英语翻译2011年9月21日的,P17,下面是文章~Apple bites back with 40 patents granted in ChinaOne of the most pirated brands in China now has more local protection after Apple was granted 40 design patents on Sept 9 by China's Patent Office.Th 你是我的大笨蛋,我是你的小傻瓜 这句英语怎么说要正确的.错的别发、 英语翻译They also reflect Chinese monetary authorities' accelerating pace of expanding offshore renminbi hubs while moving toward the currency's convertibility for the capital account and forging ahead with domestic financial reform,he said. I have always been with you. i have always been with you 的意思不是“我一直喜欢你吗” " I have always been with you "这就话是什么意思?帮我翻译一下 I have always been with you 啥意思