During the Reconstruction the Southern whites who supported the radical reconstruction and joined the Republican Party were called __________.They were considered as traitors by the Southern Democrats.9 The __________,founded in Tennessee in 1866,was

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/13 03:50:27

During the Reconstruction the Southern whites who supported the radical reconstruction and joined the Republican Party were called __________.They were considered as traitors by the Southern Democrats.
9 The __________,founded in Tennessee in 1866,was a secret society for restoring white supremacy and driving blacks out of politics.
10 During Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency the US got control of __________ Canal.
11 The major triumph for Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference was the formation of the __________.
12 The __________ Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted in __________,which granted women the right to __________.
13 The Great Depression started with the sudden collapse of the __________ Market in New York in October,__________.
14 The post-World War II program of economic assistance to Western Europe was known as __________.
15 Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.,advocated the philosophy of __________.
16 The formal diplomatic relation at the ambassadorial rank between China and the US was established under the President __________.
17 Star Wars program was proposed by President __________ in 1983.
18 In 1990,President __________ ordered Operation Desert Storm to punish __________.
19 Civil rights involve government protection of individuals against __________ based on their race,religion,national origin,gender,age,and other factors.Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.was honored for his effort to fight discrimination in 1964,he won the Nobel Prize for __________.
20 Under Clinton,the US enjoyed an economic growth for nine consecutive years.This phenomenon,hardly seen before,has been termed the “__________” by some.
21 The terms of the senator and representative are __________ and __________ years respectively.
22 This division of powers by a constitution between the central government and state government is called __________.
23 In the US school system,there are twelve levels called __________.
24 After completing four-year study in college,the student usually can earn __________’s degree.

9是Ku Klux Klan(三K党,
10是Panama Canal(巴拿马运河)
11是League of Nations国际联盟
12是Equal rights,1972,最后一个不会,猜测是vote
13是wall street 1929
14是The Marshall Plan马歇尔计划
16是Ford,Gerald Rudolph Ford总统开始互派大使
17是Ronald Wilson Reagan,罗纳德里根总统
18是George Herbert Walker Bush老布什,Iraq(伊拉克)
23好像是Middle school
