几个“花费”的用法.take \cost\spend \ pay的句型用法等

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/05 16:39:05

take \cost\spend \ pay的句型用法等

It take sb "花费的东西(钱、时间等)" to do sth.sth cost sb "花费的东西(钱、时间等)" sb spend "花费的东西" on sth sb pay for sth 注意:[辨析]pay,pay for 两者都可表示“付款”,但用法不同:pay用作及物动词时,后面接表示人的词语,即pay sb.意为“付款给某人”.如:He paid me five yuan.他付了我五元钱.Have you paid the doctor yet?医生的酬金付了吗?pay for中的pay为不及物动词,其宾语多为物,即pay for sth.,意为“付款买某物”;其宾语为人时,即pay for sb.,意为“替某人付款.”如:Shall I pay for you?我替你付款好吗?He can't pay for the TV set at the moment.他现在还不能给这台电视机付款.How much did you pay for all these things?你买所有这些东西一共花了多少钱?另外,表示“给某人钱买……”,可用“pay(sb.)+钱+for sth.”.如:I paid the shopkeeper 10 yuan for the book.我向店主付了十元钱买这本书.