
请帮忙把下面的一段话转换成文言文,人都是逼出来的,每个人都是有潜能的,人只有压力才会有动力.春秋时期,吴王夫差为报父仇而攻打越国,越国大败,越王勾践到吴国做了夫差的服役,三年后 A nice weekend,I wish 求转换文言文小时候,我们家里养了几朵蝴蝶花,听说这种蝴蝶花非常昂贵,所以平时我总是很细心的照料它.有一天爸爸妈妈上班了,我就在家看电视、吃零食,无所事事.突然,我发现那几朵蝴蝶 求转换成文言文当你感觉到我对你的深情,你会爱我吗?这句话转化成文言文前面加一句:亲爱的晓青 新概念三.puma 那篇文章'有一句是they were not taken seriously,这句话有两个动...新概念三.puma 那篇文章'有一句是they were not taken seriously,这句话有两个动词'一般不是有一个动词吗?不太明白了,希望 对于德语初学者来说,什么书最适合?我想买本配有音标表语法等最基础的书 不要过于深入的 最好配有供边听边学的磁带 they were not taken seriously为什么不是they did not taken seriously?两个谓语不冲突吗? 英语".,they were not be taken seriously." 句形不对吗?是不应该去掉"BE"?为什么?换成"BEING"行吗? 请推荐一本适合初学者的德语语法书 “长江大桥横卧在江边上.”改为比喻句! 长江大桥横卧在江面上.改成比喻句,怎样改? 谁帮我把 〃谁知道?‘’转换为文言文 转换成文言文 ,急用 .转换成文言文 ,急用 .时间的速度,无法把握、 岁月的苍白,无法触摸、 2010,对于你的到来,我从来没有期盼过,所以,这一年不好不坏,也没落下什么,生活并没有起色,希望并 只会一点语法,框架啥也不会,能找什么工作啊大神们帮帮忙JAVA语言 I have a lovely pet是不是主谓宾宾补的句式大神们帮帮忙 长江的浪很大.(根据此句写一个比喻句) 语法问题,请大神们帮忙解答.It would be tempting after spending so much energy creating such a brave new world. 不是应该在ENERGY 后面加个FOR吗? 就是so much energy for creating a brave new world.或者是TO creat such a new brave 长江平静地流淌.(比喻句) 赞美长江三桥的比喻句 润扬大桥横跨长江 改成比喻句怎么写? 尖酸刻薄、含沙射影、自以为是,这几个词对你的形容是再合适不过的.无端的对人指责与攻击,说别人好的是你,说别人不好的也是你.想想'可怜之人,必有可恨之处',最可恶的其实是你自己.不过 He told me to be strong,to take things that are handed to me as they come这句话的翻译handed在这里怎么翻译 They told us that was enough petrol to take us to a garbage,where we could fill up.请问逗号后面该有at吗? You _____ tell him the news.They told him just now.A.need not to ; B.don't need to ; C .need to ; D.needn't正确答案是哪个B或D,帮我分析下哈请大家帮我分析下哈 正确答案其实是B pretco-b什么意思 2010年PRETCO-A成绩怎么查? PRETCO-A就是大学英语三级吗?同上PRETCO-A是不是酒是大学英语三级 大学英语b级统考是不是PRETCO 重庆英语 PRETCO-A 跟全国一样么 He rent a house (by) the year.为什么括号内填介词by.“By+时间”的句子中不是要用过去完成时时态吗 by half past eight last year用什么时态 温斯顿.邱吉尔的这句话说明了什么问题?“我不能向你预测俄国的行动.它是一团谜;但这里也许还有一把钥匙.这把钥匙就是俄国的国家利益.” 我的早年生活 (英)温斯顿.丘吉尔.“每个人都是昆虫,但我确信,我是一个萤火虫.”刚满12岁,我就步入了“考试”这块冷漠的领地.主考官们最心爱的科目,几乎毫无例外地都是我最不喜欢的. 4.In the end of(A) he passed(B) the(C) exam.错误的是-------正确的为------- Stephen passed the Geography exam in the end of this term改错 远看瀑布像什么比喻句 长江像什么的比喻句 I think they are______ 这填(more)?than the other ones.A:Well,let's to buy some with nuts and_____(some还是other还是the other)with eggs. the cake with nuts in it is nice of all.(改病句) Bob is the friendliest to us.对(Bob提问) 同义句转换 1.how wide is the road?2.how long is the ruler 同义词转换.1.How wide is the road?2.How long is the ruler? long the road is前面应该填how还是what 连词成句:long ,ruler ,the ,how ,is the girl ( in a red dress) likes summer .(对槐弦部分提问) The little girl likes to_____in red.A.put on B.dress herself C.dressed D.wear she likes the red dress用特殊疑问词提问( )dress( )( )( ) The ones with nuts are the nicest of all Of all the books ,I think I prefer Chinese ones .这句话对么?要不要改成the Chinese one?还是都可以? You Come to Me 歌词 英语翻译If I did nottake off my clothes I could never see the inside of them,and it will in fact beseen that my clothes may become appendages of my body.But this fact does notprove that the presence of my body is to be compared to the de facto pe the girl like to eat (chicken) for lunch. 英语翻译意识 意志 理性 趋势 BOb likes to eat chicken chicken 提问 Peter likes ___chicken ____lunch.A eat,to B eating,on C eating,to D having,for 想问下我想学英语 但没英语基础 我该怎么入手 学得话怎么学可以学得快!想问下我想学英语 但没英语基础 我该怎么入手 学得话怎么学得好学得快!我在网上找到一些教学视频 跟着学会有用 Who is your love Who is your best love? Let丶MeKonw..Chency.who is your love.I Know..is me.. 翻译一个英文论文的标题(广告心里学、社会学相关的层面)Television Advertising: Its Effect on the Development and Reinforcement of Gender Stereotypes请不要直翻,拒绝软件翻译我目前翻译的是:电视广告对传 英语翻译就是说 单位制 的英文单词 英语翻译The following sections explain how to use SPICE to do AC analysis.Before doing an AC analysis,SPICE finds the DC operating-point values for the circuit variables.Next,SPICE linearizes the circuit about this operating point and does an AC