向量ab的绝对值公式:She is tall( ) (like) my mom.-考试作业题

She is tall( ) (like) my mom. 英语连词成句:like,he,tall,is,just,me 2.today,her,da,Shanghai,in,is,first 有谁知道"compliance audit report"是什么意思? ACCA audit report 怎么写.要求:草拟一份审计报告You have finished the auditing of Hor-Plt company.You have auditedThe balance sheet as of 31 July,2009 and 31 July,2008;The Statements of earnings,cash flow and stockholders’ equity ended ethical audit 和social audit有什么区别 revise和review有什么区别? not ,I ,lucy ,am .连词成句 to,is,not,cut,polite,short,of,you,the,it,speaker连词成句,谢谢叻~ people don`t like ___(thief) the second revision和revise和review之间到底是什么关系?我们英语老师说revise、review的名词都是revision,这应该不太可能吧! go over,review,revise之间意思的异同 vaccum fellatio什么意思 revise和review的区别 加to 的被动语态句子..请造句哈. 关于deserve造句1.他做了什么要受到这样的惩罚?what had he done_____?2.这些坏人真该揍.these bad men ____3.他们应该得到一点照顾they______ 英语翻译求星期恋人的DRAMA翻译 英语翻译就是monday到sunday一个系列的~顺带翻译,真的是感激不尽!QWQ这是企鹅的邮件箱1017156459 The science lab is over there.(对over there部分提问) what is the building over there sometimes we do our exercises 【】是填on pair,on pairs.in pair,in pairs Here (be动词) your 8 dollars. 38209:sometimes we give our learners to read articles that are too long,convoluted and specialized to serve much pedagogic value,obliging them to read in detail and depth what realistically they may have only ever wished to skim or scan.这个句子 真空的英文怎么说求教 英语的真空题1.Emergency line operators must always ___calm and make sure that they get all the information.A.coninue B.remi C.stay .D.keep 最好能讲的清楚些,其它的答案为什么不对!2.Our teacher seated boys and girls on opposite s 太阳能真空直通管翻译成英文应该怎么说 真空袋英文怎么说vacuum compressed 能翻译成真空压缩袋吗 请问 抽真空 用英文怎么说? I am friends with the monster who under my bed.这句话有语病吗RT we will go (walk) instead of (ride) go for rides与go for a ride意思一样吗如果不一样,那么go for How can you have an hour for reading English every dayBy getting up early or___tobed lateA,go B,going C,to go D,went although the competition is fierce与Fierce as the competition is不同——,the students showed no sign of giving up.A.Fierce as the competition is B As the competition is fierce C Although the competition is fierce D Despite the competition is fie 谁帮我翻译下以下的句子?感激不尽~Orz!尽量回答!答一个是一个~~谢谢~相信各位一定比我这个高中生水平高吧?!1、the represention in this book of works by 'form-givers' such as Le Corbusier is far greater th 已Do开头的英文句子,问你喜欢什么,那回答是Yes,I do,还是Yes,I ike 十字星代表什么意思 十字星线是什么意思 十字星有哪些种类? 奴隶应该为主人做什么?洗脚?下跪? 奴隶是什么?为什么有人愿意做奴隶?请详细的回答我, 我明天搭保罗的车去学校.Paul will ___ ___ ___ ride ___ school in his car tomorrow. Welcome to ride the rental car为什么要加TO income of什么意思Young men and women at this age can get a part-time job,and begin to receive an income of their own.里面的income of 什么意思 Index of the real income of factors in agriculture,per annual work unit怎么翻译阿 谢拉~ The businesses make as much as 25 percent of their annual income. 三一重工标志的含义 13.By the end of last week,they __D__ the bridge.A.has completed B.completed C.will complete D.had completed14.Ben hates playing __B___ violin,but he likes playing ____ football.A.a…the B.the… the C./ …the D.the…/15.By the time he was 4,he __ gofor 类似go for a walk go for a drive go for a ride这样的短语类似go for a walk go for a drive go for a ride这样的短语 ,是固定词组,还是有 go for+a+n的语法.那么 要是去做什么什么的话 只需go for a+要做的事的 percentage in one's income that taxable 中的that作为什么成分? his monthly income is at least 3000 yuan.if____A.no more B.not more C.no more than D.not more than看不懂这道题. goodwith ,kindof ,friend about ,nice at ,make a list,get a ride ,go for a drive 中翻译英 她宁愿和我们一道去,而不愿留在家里.(prefer ...rather than) prefer to do rather than to do和prefer to do rather than doing 有没有区别 我愿意走路而不愿意坐公共汽车 翻译 would rather...than n (填字母,要是一个单词)填字母,要是一个单词, tw()n 这个单词中间填什么字母 pet phrase 谓语动词是单数吗?如,My pet phrase is / are 我的口头禅是...后面可以接从句吧. Do you know their annual income? “口头禅”pet phrase译作accroche?RT 英语翻译My goldfish swam in a round glass bowl,Around and around and around.My friends used to say "He isn't very big."But we knew,Goldie and I knewHe was the biggest goldfish in the world.Goldie would eat all the fishfood I gave him;He would mun does your sister like saiad(作否定回答