中国东北杀妻案:in+时间,是一道听力题:因为this week和next week都有事,所以interview定在了after that,即定在了第三个星期.问:最终interview定在了何时?正确答案是in two weeks,但是我选了in three weeks.-考试作业题

in+时间,是一道听力题:因为this week和next week都有事,所以interview定在了after that,即定在了第三个星期.问:最终interview定在了何时?正确答案是in two weeks,但是我选了in three weeks. 求大侠帮忙看语法:we plan send the samples to you review by next week. Chinese kids_____ these questions to their teachers and parents.A take B ask Peter drives_____Amy,so it will take Peter _____time to get to the hotel.A.much faster than; less B.more slowly than; less fast as; more slowly as; moreHow are you today,Bob?——I'm even____now.I don't think the medicine is good for me.A. “mountain”是什么意思? mountain是甚么意思 mountain意思 mountain意思 the secret was ______ (cover a large area) round by him I believe that the heart does go on在这里does是什么意思?还有是什么词性? near far whenrever you are i believe that the heart does go on once more you 歌词大概是这样的,女生女生唱的就是周洋模仿王菲红豆 开场唱的那首 翻译:I still manage to cover a large territory despite my disorder that the heart does go Why does my heart tell me that nothing in the wd? 猫捉老鼠问题一只老鼠从A点按顺时针方向沿长方形的边逃跑,一只猫同时从A点按逆时针方向去捕捉老鼠.结果在距B点处的C点,捉住了老鼠.已知老鼠的速度是猫的11/14.问长方形周长是多少米? 怎样训练猫捉老鼠?三个多月大的猫,平时喂火腿肠或生猪肉(因为我要训练它吃肉,以后才会吃老鼠),但我买了只小白鼠回来,想训练猫捉老鼠吃,它竞然不吃!气死我了!它只会逗小白鼠玩,用手拍 Once _1_ was a white cat.He was very lazy.Every day,his mother _2_ his hands and face.One day,his mother said,"My son,you're _3_.You must _4_ to catch mice and do all 5_ of things yourself." The white cat didn't _6_ his mother.He only knew his mother tom likes this small village.改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 “Space Mountain”是什么意思? We ______ talk loudly in the library.A.must B.mustn't C.can D.can't We______speak loudly in the library.A.must B.mustn't C.should用合适的动词填空理由 The writer had a guick breakfast and then went to school. black mountain是什么 Black Mountain在哪个国家 Black Mountain.在哪个国家 造句Black mountainBlack mountaincandle lake the searain lslandsnowy river我说的是要英文造句,好不好啊!! 而且要分开来造句 black mountain poets?谁能给出英文版的定义或者介绍,希望答案要点突出, 求关于怀才不遇,寄情山水,隐居田园的名人事例 墙上文化是什么文化现象 there's a flowerr show in the park.what do you say to[ going] there.为什么不用go 假如你是一个怀才不遇的人,那么你想学那位古人如果你怀才不遇,你会学下列哪位古人?说出原因.A.韩愈 怀才不遇写文学章B.苏秦 悬梁刺股发愤成才C.韩信 另寻明主创大业D.陶渊明 归隐田园其 光源照明设计的基本因素是什么? 怎样理解音乐这种文化现象 不知道怎么把这个歌名弄出来,有谁知道这首歌的歌名吗? 英语翻译A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your compuer.DRIVER-IRQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your compupern.If this screen appears again,fo detecting-hardware是什么意思 壮志难酬,怀才不遇仍然可以为王的例子 HARDWARE 是什么 I will be who i want to be是病句吗 Keeping pets can make people less lonely.This is especially true ___ old peopleA.for B.of C.from It is said wearing dark clothes us ____ look thinner 是填make还是makes music lessons are interesting for some people ,的 答案快来帮忙 some people d---- to the music 英语高手帮忙解疑——菜鸟专线they have been collecting coins since 1998.的疑问句答案给的是have they been.have当“有”讲时不是才提前么 英语翻译I think summarizing the experience in learning English is worthwhile to try.So I want to talk about 3 relevant problems.First,a large numbers of reading exercise should be treated as a priority,for we gain enormous language input through 求天荒地老,海枯石烂开头七言绝句,最好是爱情诗句 求诗,孙、娴、我、喜.欢、你.字开头的七言绝句 重谢. 四级机考应该注意什么? woman mountain 英语翻译RT ___________in the garden ___________to school _________a mountain (要中文意思)还有 look forthe pen和ger on the bus和paint the eggs的中文意思 met u on the top mountain 四级机考难还是笔试难? 四级机考难还是笔试难? you can c( ) david 1.Our shower is always busy in the morning,so we make a shower___.2.___ get to work on time ,Scott takes the number 17 bus to the Friendship Hotel. We'd like to see the dolphin show_____.A.first B .the first first D.on first写知识点 we are always busy__the final examination.A with B on C before D with doing 可是觉得不妥, 四级机考怎么准备? If you( ),you have to work still harder 为什么选DA succeed B will succeed C are successful D are to successful a large quantity of +c(pl)时,谓语用什么形式? the cities are always ______(crowd) everywhere