一年级数学七巧板拼图:翻译"I promise that she shall get a nice persent on her birthday."-考试作业题

翻译"I promise that she shall get a nice persent on her birthday." 改写句子the boys,tired and dirty,returned to the camp要求把形容词词组tired and dirty放在句首 he returned home felt very tired这句话哪里错了 he entered.looking dirty and tired .carrying a suitcase.为什么用looking dirty .可以换成looked dirty吗/ have a knowledge They won't be back until the work ________.A.do B.does C.is done D.will do they won't be back until the work_____?1.they won't be back until the work_____?A do B does C is done D will do 2.it's important___you_______hard A for .to study B of .studying C for .studying D of .study 3.when I woke up ,I realized I ___________.A 63.Father made a promise_________ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.A.that B.if C.whether D.that if选哪个 为什么,that 在什么情况不可省? 12.Father made a promise ___ I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle.应选什么?为什么?A.that B.if C.whether D.that if 在各种生物细胞中,染色体的( ),( ),和( )都是一定的 快要中考了 我想知道哪些乱七八糟的盆地啊 高山啊在哪里 会考到的少数民族的知识(西北地区青藏地区的)气候特点 .我就要中国西北地区青藏地区的地理知识 不要复制一大堆给我. 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶“唰唰拉拉”地飘落.母亲进来了,挡在窗前:“北海的菊花开了,我推着你去看看吧.”结合课文语句具体分析. 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶“刷刷拉拉”地飘落.(缩句)快点急! 那天我又独自坐在屋里,看着窗外的树叶“刷刷拉拉”地飘落.运用了什么描写方法 I have no idea which wine is best—it’s a matter of personal taste这句话是我从百度的同位语从句的百度百科复制下来的,前面明明说which if不能引导同位语从句,后面怎么出现which引导从句了,难道百度也错 I can't say which wine is the best---it's a/an ___of personal taste.A.affairB.matterC.eventD.variety I can't say which wine is best-it's a ____ of personal taste A affair B event C matter D variety但不懂 They come here to work/working.是working还是to work?我个人认识是to work i can not say which wine is best -it is a (n)()pf personal tasteA afffair B event Cmatter D variety 说清楚原因 the law work very hard and they come from beijing I can't say which wine is beat—it's a (n) of personal taste.27.I can't say which wine is beat—it's a (n)_____ of personal taste.A.affair B.eventC.matter D.variety为何选择C?D为什么不对? 寻找好的英语短剧剧本~要求不要白雪公主灰姑娘那种,需要搞笑或者很精彩,而且要求通俗易懂的, 秋天的怀恋 史铁生 问题:写窗外的树叶"刷刷啦啦"地飘落景物描写的作用 西北地区和青藏地区的差别 秋天的怀念++++++窗外的树叶刷刷啦啦地飘落+++有作用什么 I have been in Hong Kong for threes ays,and I'm h( ) a great time全文快! have been to这里的have 这里have been是延续性动词吗?have been to后能跟for和since引导的时间状语从句吗?I _________the north for a year.这里填have been to 为什么?have been to与have been in如何辨别 对的是:A染色体就是生物的遗传物质 B每种生物的细胞内都有一定数量的结构相同的染色体CC.在生物的细胞里,染色体总是成对出现的D.体细胞内的染色体一条来自父方一条来自母方 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.She made a good ( ) yesterday ,she ( ) to help us with our用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.She made a good ( ) yesterday ,she ( ) to help us with our English .(decide)2..He ( ) happy every do you know when the meeting begin?BLANK he comes backA if B when C until When will the meeting begin?这句话主谓宾都是什么? 高中生物中含有两条Y染色体的细胞有哪些 高中生物玉米细胞中含有20个染色体玉米细胞中含有20个染色体,胚乳细胞中含有的染色体数为(C)A,10B,20C,30D,40 为什么细胞中有两条相同的染色体?有丝分裂中不是分开了吗 怎么还有? He _______ a joke last night.A) spoke B) made C) said D) told he had a bag on last night and slept on the street .what does"had a bag on"here mean in chinese 初中作文《黑板上的回忆》 黑板上的记忆 求英语短剧剧本啊!要五六分钟左右,5个人的,最好是电影节选最好是搞笑的,越快越好, 谁能告诉我一个由5个男人演的英语短剧剧本 急求英语短剧剧本 有关家庭琐的 5个人中学水平 5个人演的英语短剧剧本...急....切记5个人!3分钟左右!藕们初一的...童话什么都可以 形式不限...快```````````````不要网址....同志们啊 怎么 都米按藕的要求撒 快 下图为一对雌雄果蝇体细胞的染色体图解,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、X、Y表示染下图为一对雌雄果蝇体细胞的染色体图解,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、X、Y表示染色体,基因A、a分别控制红眼、白眼,基因D、d分 高中生物--右图表示某二倍体生物体内一个正在分裂的细胞中染色体(a),染色单体(b)和DNA(c)的右图表示某二倍体生物体内一个正在分裂的细胞中染色体(a),染色单体(b)和DNA(c)三者之间的数量关系 I ate a cake yesterday.改为一般疑问句否定句呢? It_______ten years since we last ''she jumped yesterday''怎么变一般疑问句 It is about ten years __________ I met you last.A.since It ______ ten years since we last ________ in Beijing.A was met B had met C was meet D is meet 我们老师说是第一空是is ,可我觉得应该是has been,想问一下原因说这题有点问题 It is ten years _____ I last saw her. A. after B. since C. for D. that为什么不能选A 贝贝家来了3位客人,贝贝拿出20毫升果汁按1:50的比给客人冲果汁喝,用15厘米,高15厘米的杯子,果汁倒至? 第三题贝贝家那个望求解 My Friends :Happy mid -autumn festival i spent happy time with my friend 改错这句话有错吗 原谅我 我不懂额 Every good friends happy Mid-Autumn Festival Say Happy Mid-autumn Festival to everyone for my friends.请问这个语法对吗? we don't know when we will go on a field.(改为同义句) we don't know when ____ _____ on a field trip 为了在艺术节上取得最佳的表演效果,同学们抓紧一切课余时间认真排练,因为他们深知()填谚语 在手工制作课上,同学们真是用什么歇后语表示 艺术节上,同学们有的绘画,有的跳舞,有的下棋,真是().(填歇后语) 初一英语填空题:She often ____(wear)glasses She usually _____(wear)glasses