web前端大作业:Missed is missed如何翻译哦?-考试作业题

Missed is missed如何翻译哦? We call the people from other countries_____(foreign)还有This book is better than that one ,so it is_______(expensive)What is the ————————(different).I think going fishing is a ______(good) hobby than collecting stamps.全都是 We call people from Ganada_______.(Ganada) we call people from Thailand Thais 为什么错了 ______do we call people from japan?we call them japanese A.how B.who C.what D.why 木箱内有一竖直放置的弹簧,弹簧上方有一物块;木箱静止时弹簧处于压缩状态且物块压在箱顶上.若在某一段时间内,物块对箱顶刚好无压力,则在此段时间内,木箱的运动状态可能为 A.加速下 Fe做负极 Pt做正极 正极通入氧气 电解液是NaoH 正负极反应都是什么 总反应是什么 木箱内有一竖直放置的弹簧.弹簧上方有一木块.木箱静止时弹簧自由落体处于压缩状态且物块压在箱顶上.若...木箱内有一竖直放置的弹簧.弹簧上方有一木块.木箱静止时弹簧自由落体处于压 What solutions do you suggest to the problem of generation gap? 一个人开心的决定因素是什么?就是接受不了 自己身上有疤痕 造成疤的原因就是个小意外 一个人的能力有哪些因素所决定的? 三个字的词语有哪些 ( )We see _______people in the street.A.so many B.so mucn C.so a lot of D.so lots of选哪个? 形容因遭遇困难,失败等意志消沉,精神不振作什么成语 意思:精神不振作,一下字停下来了的成语是什么 一根长6米,50*100*5个厚的方管重量是多少 请问边长50*50毫米的方管,壁厚1.2毫米,长度6米,重量是多少? 一根方管的重量计算:规格型号50mm*50mm*1.7m求这一根方管多重?如有会算的, if you don't be careful,you will fail in the exam.和if you aren't careful.哪个对?if you don't be careful,you will fail in the exam.和if you aren't careful,you will fail in the exam. if you aren't careful,you will have an accident.前面的那个aren't,是什么时候用aren't什么时候用don't如果是if you ......look out 呢,don't吗? Be careful .If you __ , an accident may happen to you . A. don't B aren't Translation please! If you know much about Internet resources!The reason is, You can, easily, get the authentic ones straight from their official websites. Both VOA and BBC have quite a lot of resources on their sites. Just click on the links on the 陶瓷杯子没盖子怎么办我有个很漂亮的陶瓷杯子,但是没盖子,总是落尽灰尘,我该怎么自己做一个小盖子,还有什么妙招,不让落进灰尘 瓷杯子防摔坏怎么打包? ”带盖子的瓷杯子”如何制作出来的啊? 认识儿童发展的个体差异有什么意义 理想运放为什么输入电阻为无穷大?求内部原理? 临近眼前,非常着急是什么词语 即的组词(靠近意思的),快 形容事到眼前,十分紧急 这是什么词语 我想知道220V经过一个二极管单向整流后供给电磁铁是算110V交流还是算110V直流 那电磁铁是交流还是直流供电 在220V的电压中,自制电磁铁的线圈要多少匝?用什么线号多少匝磁性叫它大一点的 跪拜;求老师告知用什么线号多少匝磁力叫它大一点的跪拜;求老师告知能接通220v时间长10分多钟就行了那位 人生路上难免有风风雨雨,朋友之间难免有磕磕碰碰.但这一切的坎坷和挫折都是人生路上不可缺少的驿站,是平 英语翻译是不是“在我的世界里,你出局了!”的意思?只要一句话解答就行,意思也可以,不要太复杂. hell it's about time 是什么意思啊?补充下 应该是 Hell,it's about time 星际中机枪兵的台词 “Hell,it's about 英语翻译the world is my oyster (世界是我的牡蛎)if the world is my oyster 经常作为“如果我的梦想得以实现的话”的意思使用.该句来源于莎士比亚的The Merry Wives of Windsor,恶棍Pistol对决意不肯借钱 英语翻译帮翻译一下“You for the world is nothing.But you for me is my world.I miss you so 作文联想树根 由老黄牛,粉笔,钉子,树根产生的联想各写一段话,只要超过20个字就行啦,要求很低,各位高手帮帮忙,谢谢 but i still like to dream about that ,it's so cool!right?how about vampire!麻烦帮忙翻译中文 英语翻译 用适当的介词填空:we want to go on a school trip______the museum 帮我写一篇 100字左右的英语作文 THE MOBILE 英语翻译Thank you for your purchase of our Buick (别克)car at shanghai GM (上海通用汽车公司).We try our best to provide you with world-class service.To better ensure your rights,please complete and return the Owner Information From to S 帮我翻译一下,不要翻译软件的,那个我自己也会,而且翻译出来的效果不好 速求!if you wish to apple for a student visa.you should fill informIM2A which you can get free of charge from the nearest British mission offering a vi I am on holiday,if any emergency,please contact with my mobile phone.Thanks. 我对他的请求不好拒绝这句话怎么翻译啊?不要用翻译软件,我试过了. Registered Your registration lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you need.RegisteredYour registration lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you need.Telephone Technical Support:ExpiredYou are eligible to purc Your registration lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help 英语翻译We're drifting apart But I want you to know Wherever you are I belong Love's singing our song But we fail to sing along Wherever you go I will follow So please don't let it Please don't let it go 'Cause if you won't let it I won't let it Your registration lets Apple quickly find your product and provide the help you n don't look like him~麻烦翻译下 单句改错.Those girls need help.Can you help they?Is that Mary apple?Here are four familys.Let's welcome them. 我昨晚很想一个人,but I don't even matter to him,用英语怎么回答他?不要在线翻译的 I don't want to surprise him 问问.忘了. 雅迪电动车的速度能调吗?刚买了个雅迪电动车买的时候没注意,事后发现速度慢的都赛蜗牛了,找了个摩托车测试了下速度才32KG,只要是电车没一个超不过我的.郁闷死了, 把两段中文翻译成英语,必须自己翻译,不能用翻译软件哥伦布的发现成为美洲大陆开发和殖民的新纪元,是历史上一个重大的转折点.15世纪欧洲人口急剧膨胀,西方人知道美洲大陆后,使欧洲人 朋友的一首诗歌,请求含义雁过长空夜未央,回塘风起是清狂.岁月如箭几多事,秋月秋霄秋日长.是女性所写,此女有个性,自我.不爱与人分享心事,独立能力强.请朋友分析谢谢 She likes to“make breakfast”(对引号部分提问) please return my book soon.的同义句please_____ my book ______ soon.