i don't know which one to chose 如果which改成 what 后面应该接什么呢 或者是how又有什么区别呢 The country life he was used to __greatly since 1992A has changed B has been changed 偶B WHY不A change 是不是有特殊用法,别的词与其类似的曰下.急ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiji 狗屎运是什么? The life he was used to( has changed )greatly since 1992,为什么括号里是has changed ,而不填have changed ,change changing 英语why is the man,why does the manwhy is the man,why does the man这两句话意思上有什么差别嘛,意思难道不一样 英语翻译49:Confirmation instructions: 英语翻译1.SIGNED COMMERCIAL INVOICES IN SIX COPIES BEARING BENEFICIARIES ATTESTATION THAT INVOICED AND SHIPPED GOODS ARE THOSE SPECIFIED IN THE PROFORMA INVOICE NO 20070904 DATED 04SEP2007FULL SET CLEAN ON BOARD B/L,ISSUED OR ENDORSED TO THE ORDE 英语翻译46A Documents required1.signed commercial invoice in original plus 2 copies made out to ...Evidencing full description of bach item as well as unit price,currency,delivery basis,total amount,full name and address of the exporter,terms of 英语翻译drafts drawn under this documentary credit should bear the clause""and should be enfaced "payable at current selling rate or exchange on suva with interest at rate ruling from the date hereof to the date of retirement."不要机翻的,需 英语翻译ORIGINAL CERTIICATE PURPORTEDLY ISSUED/SIGNED BY MANUFACTURER STATING THAT PRODUCTION DOCUMENGTATION INSPECTION REPORT ,RAW METERIAL INVOICE,BILL OF LANDING FOR FABRIC,IMPORT RECORD,REGARDING FABRIC,COMMERCIAL INVOICES,MILL CERTIFICATE,CU 速求运动会感悟作文 英语翻译当人民被迫服从而服从时,他们做得对:但是,一旦人民可以打破自己身上的桎梏而打破它时,他们就做得更对.——卢梭《社会契约论》求原版英文. 英语翻译任何世俗的财富都无法补偿生命和自由的丧失,所以无论以任何代价放弃生命和自由,都是既违背天理,又违背理性的 狗屎运是什么运啊 He has the m_____ of us.把那个以m 开头的单词补充完整 初中生能看懂的 Johy has( )the window.A.admitted breaking B.admitted to breaking 这两个好像都没错,admit to 是承认,to是介词,而admit本身也可以去加doing好难选,怎么回事呢?求详解 He got through the window.(S V M)当中S 是主语,V是谓语,那M是神马呢? The country life he is used to _______ greatly since 1992.A.change B.has changed C.changing D.have changed 珩潮汕话怎么读?是不是和行字同音? 有没有关于国际机票预定的书籍,英语的,想做英文客服.或者是比较好的英文书籍,锻炼口语的. 英语单词“爱国的”是甚么 “敬业”的英语单词 昼夜交替是怎样产生的? 昼夜交替是怎样形成的?仔细说,详细点 long absent soon forgotten i believe it in the vast sea of people 英语翻译_ _um填空翻译_ _ant s _ _ech p_ _ mw_ _ch 英语翻译如果减磨令为一个物件的话,在轮机的那个设备上得以使用?功用是什么?关键字:船舶,船厂,轮机,管装,机装,舾装,船体,重工,设备,机械,TRIBON “C-TPAT”是什么意思 What's the life like in the ____ part of the sea?A.farthestB.deepestC.highestD.widest 踩到了,会怎么样? 信长之野望14怎么扩张 把His favourite colour is orange改成一般疑问句 丝绸之路读后感 丝绸之路的读后感快,我可是急得要死了!内容概括; 阅读心得;(就按这个格式) 皇帝到南北朝的成语故事 10个 故事和含义皇帝到南北朝的成语故事 10个 故事和含义 英语“国际奥林匹克委员会”的英语缩写?如题是IOC还是CEO loud mouse It's strong.It hes e big mouth and two little ears.是什么?要说出句子的意思翻译,还要说出这是什么动物? 日写 什么意思 上面一个“日”下面一个“立”,这个字是什么?这个字叫什么,我在输入法里找不到. 箐这个字怎么读 "产业幅"的概念是什么? 一( )箐沟 ( )的箐沟 ( )的地面 箐沟的意思 发音楼沟是哪个单词?急用... 假如你是李华,给David写一封信,介绍自己的情况.内容包括自己的年龄、职业、喜欢的食物、三餐的情况等,以及几父母的职业、工作地点等.字数60个词左右.Dear David,开头已给出 初一英语作文 假如你是David,昨天你参加了朋友John在家里举行的生日宴会,今天决定给他写一封信,不少于80词John的父母及朋友对你很友好.蛋糕很好吃,饭菜可口.影碟很好看,你很喜欢.英文 关于英语非限制定于从句The factory was built in a secret place, around which were high mountains. 中 around which 是介词+which 引出的非限制性定语从句 主句是high mountains ,around which是表语. 对吗? 详细讲解 请问第二题是限定性语从句还是非限定性定语从句 花这个字有几个读音 I play hard 国际奥委会的英文缩写和总部位置 you touch everything turns to gold怎么翻译 play it fair 鲁迅文章fair 如题 我欲思投笔 期封定远侯 当年万里觅封侯暗用了汉朝()投笔从戒的典故?“当年万里觅封侯”暗用了汉朝( )“投笔从戒”的典故?“匹吗戍梁州”则回忆了( )当年的壮志和戍守边防的情形?《诉衷情》中作者运 急 汉班超投笔封侯的典故 签文如下图 孩子的子念什么音 谁知道It was made of sticks.的翻译 It is____crowed.There is __no place to sittoo much nearlymuch to almosttoo many nearlytoo much almost 写出下列成语所对应的历史名将肉袒负荆( )鸿门闯宴( )水淹七军( )马陵伏弩( )赤壁纵火( )投笔封侯( )水战杨么( ) how to study better中文意识是? 写出现下列成语所对应的历史名将.1、吴工教战———( ) 2、马陵伏弩——( )3、肉袒负荆—--( ) 4、赤壁纵火――( )5、鸿门闯宴―――( ) 6、投笔封侯――( )7、水淹七军―――( ) 8 写出下列成语对应的历史名将 下列成语所对应的历史名将::吴官教战-----( )是什么? 杵、 仵、 忤 这三字的 读音、组词、 意义? 一仵有趣的事 3OO字作文 Your homework must be hanged in today 改为一般疑问句 麻烦翻译一句话,your aim should be to ensure a high standard in all the important areas named above:presentation structure language and tone. stand to reason 怎么翻译 Part IV.Translate Chinese into English Directions:forthis part,you are required to我们发现信念是让我们受苦的最主要原因,而不是外在的事情.我以前也是很想讨好我周边的人,但是越是这样我越累,越累我越不 TS文仵是什么 有首歌叫THE RIDDLE 谁知道是谁唱地? 顾名思义 我最该做好的一仵事作文 solve the sum / solve that sum 两个都可以么牛津英语(上海版) 书上写的是solve that sum 那solve the sum也是可以的吧?回答yes or no 再加一点儿详解 有分哦 Solve the equations(a) 3 - x/8 = 5x/2 - 2(x-4)/3 + 5(b) 7(x-6) - 6(x+3) = 5 (x-6) - 2(3+2x)(c) 三次根号下(5x + 9) = 6 how to deal with stress and difficulties in mordern life? stress in What do you think of the pair of pants?若回答太长了,怎么回答?What do you think of the pair of pants?是It's too long.对还是They're too long. 校运会后的感受 上海昂立国际英语销售顾问的待遇如何,有哪位朋友知道里面的面试和待遇情况的, My sister don't have breakfast and went to school.My sister went to school( )breakfast.这两句话是同义句,( )是两个单词! 英语题阅读理解,短文都看不懂,怎么办?怎样才能变得会看懂? speng sometime alone every week 在英语中是spend sometime to do 还是 spend sometime (in)doing?还是都行? 1.There is a lot of snow on the road.Let's__________.A.move it away B.move away it C.mov1.There is a lot of snow on the road.Let's__________.A.move it away B.move away it C.move them away D.to move it away2.I couldn't buy the book because I______my p I usually spend ____ (sometime) doing me homework every dayme改成my。2.Would you like to do some _____(shop) on Saturday morning? maybe I will be lonely all the life翻译 用must,have/has to,will have to填空1.You ____ see that film.It's really exciting.2.Your hair is too long.You ____ get it cut.给出答案的同时,请给我解释下为什么选这个, Die Gesellschaft ist als Dienstleister tätig. I'm the ghost in your I'm the ghost in your life Ghost in my 什么是Aggregate_Income_Statement? 如何数理化的成绩 大学里的工科类什么与数理化关联最小? 翻译 :I'm all mouth and no trousers you are all mouth and no trousers mouth and